Brúduheimar ( Center for Puppertry Arts) a la ciutat de Borganes.
Brúduheimar és un lloc molt acollidor al país del gel :)
Aquí us deixem amb la seva pàgina web ( Brúduheimar ) i amb una entrevista que hem trobat
en anglès al director del centre ( Bernd Ogrodnik ).
FIGURA is a Company based in Iceland, offering excellence and innovation in the filed of Puppetry since 1986. It’s acclaimed productions and exquisite marionette, puppet and mask creations have been premiered on stages, films, television and museums around the globe. While being primarily a one-man company, Figura frequently invites other fine artist to participate in the creation and presentation of larger projects.
Homebase is an elaborate 200 square meter studio space, on a remote farm not far from the artic circle. In this highly equipped workshop, theater and film studio, surrounded by mountains, waterfalls and horses new works are created and produced. From the seclusion of this sanctuary,
Performance-tours to all regions of the planet are conducted.
Despite or maybe especially because of our time of perfect, high-tech productions for the screen, the fascination and need for life Theater is eminent.
Nothing can replace the intimacy between performer and audience, and the medium of the Puppet as the communicational link between them. Something extraordinary seems to take place in a successful Puppet show. The audience, being initially aware of the fact that the actors are ”only” puppets, seem to sign under a silent agreement stating ”we believe”. Thus they actively contribute to the process of bringing those puppets to life. And when we feel that these fragile figures, attached to silken strings, have a heartbeat of their own to express our deepest emotions, joys and fears, then we experience the true magic of FigurenTheater.
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I ens acomiadem amb un vídeo d'un músic del país del gel
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