The beginnings. According to the Turkish scholar “Metin And”, shadow theater moved to Turkey from Egypt in the 16th century after Sultan Selim 1st conquered Egypt in 1517. Ibn Ayass, the Arabic historian, narrates in his work, Badai’ az Zouhour[1], that Sultan Selim watched at the Rawda Palace a shadow play depicting the assassination of the deposed Mamluk Sultan, he called on the puppeteer and bestowed his graces on him. He then said to him: … Read entire article »
Estimats alumnes de l 'Aula d'Acollida ( i en especial els d'origen àrab),
Aquí teniu un article sobre el Teatre d'ombres àrab que espero que us agradi.
És en anglès però estic segura que molts de vosaltres ja en sabeu força.
Espero que la lectura sigui un motiu de record del trosset de camí que vam fer i comparitr junts.
Molts petons GROCS !!!!
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